Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thankful Thursday - Text Messaging

Excuse the typo on "messaged" above.
Gotta love auto-correct, ;)
Today is the first Thankful Thursday of the new year, and because {M} has been visiting her dad in Oklahoma for the past week, I have to express my gratitude for text messaging. She took her phone with her to Oklahoma, and though we have been able to chat on the phone a few times, there have been several other times that we've missed each other's phone calls, and text messaging has been my saving grace - the one thing that has allowed me to close the gap in the distance between us. 

This morning, I woke up to a text message from her saying that she'd had a nightmare, and it made her miss me because she needed a comforting hug. Unfortunately, she had sent the text at 1:11 a.m. my time, so I didn't read it until several hours later, and it broke my heart a little to know that I wasn't there to console her. I somehow still felt comfort; though, in knowing that she felt connected to me through that text message.

I texted her back immediately, and only hope that she was able to calm down enough after her bad dream to fall back asleep. I know she has had trouble sleeping as it is since she's been away from home. She is 12 now, and tries to play the whole "I'm a big kid now and I'm so tough" card, but I know that deep down, she is still her mama's girl. ;)

related link:

Thirty Days of Gratitude - Day 17: My Daughter

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