Monday, February 18, 2013

Life Lessons

Week 7: What are the most important things your parents taught you?
Looking back on my childhood, I can honestly say that I had it pretty easy. Both of my parents always showed an unlimited amount of love toward my siblings and me, and they were always available and willing to give of their time and attention to us - in our educational needs, our extracurricular activities, etc. They were always present in our lives; though, and taught me so much. Here are a few of the lessons that have stuck with me throughout my life:

1. Being kind is more important than being wealthy.
2. You can do anything you truly put your mind to (I know this one is cliche, but my parents really believe it and they taught us to feel the same way).
3. You can only truly appreciate the value of something after you've had to work for it.
4. Cherish every moment with your children. They will be grown and out of the house in the blink of an eye.
5. Forgiveness is a vital component in every relationship.
6. The ability to clean a toilet, do your own laundry, and fry an egg (not necessarily at the same time. Haha) is invaluable. 
7. Getting your education is crucial.
8. The Gospel will bring you happiness. 
9. "If you keep on dancin' you'll never grow old." -Steve Miller Band (They had great taste in music.)
10. Time spent with family is immeasurable... 

...Some of my most beloved childhood memories are those that were created around the camp fire roasting marshmallows - camping out under the stars in the woods, or along the shore of Lake Mead. I was very fortunate to have had such amazing, attentive parents, and I pray that I will be able to have the same leve of patience and influence with my own children.  

Related link:

52 Gems of Reflection

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