Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thirty Days of Gratitude - Day 10: Family

Photo by The Purple Lady
Last night, my immediate family (Grandma, parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, etc...) all got together at Memphis BBQ (Yum!) to celebrate Z's and my birthdays, and as the 15 of us (adults and children, included) sat around the table grubbing on some yummy bbq, my 2-year-old was running amok in the small dining room where our party was converging, driving me absolutely insane - but amongst the chaos and the jumble of conversation that was transpiring,  I had an "aha moment."

I couldn't help but think how lucky I am to have such an awesome family - most of which live right here in Las Vegas. We don't always get along, and sometimes we drive each other insane (haha), but I am grateful for every single member of my family. I am grateful for the memories we share - the ones we are constantly creating, the laughter, the support given, and the joy that each member brings.

To my family: Thank you for always being there for me - for overlooking my weaknesses and accepting me for who I am. Thank you for being there for me through the good times and the bad, for all the times you have watched my children, or lent a shoulder to cry on. I love you all, and thank Heavenly Father for the blessing that each of you is in my life. :)

Related Link:

All Things Purple: Thirty Days of Gratitude

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